Monday 1 June 2015

On 'EUSceptics' or EuroSceptics if you want to pretend EU is Europe.

There is no time for Cameron to get any treaty change from the EU.

Without treaty change there is no change worth the name - it can all change back again whenever the EU commission simply decide to change it.

So the battle lines are drawn right now.

In with the current treaties - including the hated Constitution/Lisbon Treaty.

In light of this, anyone who isn't already signed up for 'out' cannot be trusted in the out campaign.

This is a reflection of the debasing of EUphile and EUsceptic - especially by the BBC - now an EUphile is 'In regardless', EUsceptic is 'In but could be improved'.

They have no word for anyone who thinks the UK should rule itself.


  1. You're right, they've erased us. We'll simply call ourselves, EU-OUTERS.

    1. Indeed - we must unerase and assert ourselves.

      The dicsussions are starting and the establishment are putting up their own fake team of 'opponents' instead of letting us speak.
